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Brad Robson Mural Winner Gets Painted

A hidden muralist vista emerges in inner-city Sydney.

Zacha Rosen
November 28, 2012


Earlier this year we wondered what strange muralist vista would emerge when the winner of the Brad Robson Mural competition saw the last lick of paint applied to their wall. Now we know.

Local artist Robson was at the time recently returned from a residency in New York, and generously offered to paint up one winning Concrete Playground reader's home with a unique design. This one, as is happens.

The winner of the competition was Sydneysider Glen Archibald, and it wasn't long ago that Robson got started permanently tarting his place up.

The mural went up over the course of two weekends at his inner-city home, and the results, as you can see, are pretty amazing.

Robson's work has been on show during Jurassic Lounge, and one of his murals is currently visible at the Hive Bar. And if you want to get a closer work at his wall-free work, you can see some of it on show until December 5 at Platform 72. Definitely more convenient in its Oxford Street premises that the ticket to Brooklyn you'll need to check out Robson's next exhibition.

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