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Win a Brad Robson Mural on the Wall at Your House

Pimp your living room, bedroom or backyard with a custom mural from Brad Robson.

Meg Watson
April 10, 2014


There are some definite perks to owning your own house. Firstly, there are no pesky landlords all up in your business. If you don't want to mow the lawn, don't do it! More power to you and your slovenly lifestyle choice. If you want to hang a painting, just do it! No one's going to get mad at you for chipping the wall paint and if they do, they're clearly an uncultured pedant. Now, Concrete Playground is offering you the opportunity to take this to the extreme — spruce up that blank white wall with a mural by artist Brad Robson.

But firstly, who even is this guy? Brad Robson is a Sydney-based artist and illustrator responsible for some pretty amazing murals. He's a former owner of Kaleidoscope Gallery, his work is all over the walls of the SBS World Movies offices and Hive Bar, and his bustling abstract expressionism has been exhibited all over both Sydney and New York. He has a street style that would fit in seamlessly with the iconic laneways of New York, Melbourne or Berlin, but instead he's bringing his talents to Concrete Playground readers for a second time.

Our last competition winner got this a vibrant cityscape, and although the artwork has to be monochrome this time around, check out what Robson can do with just black and white.

To be in the running, you must live in either the inner city or inner-western suburbs of Sydney and — because we don't want you to get evicted — this has to be a property you're allowed to mess with. The mural will be of a subject of Robson's choosing, and he'd prefer to start on a plain white wall. If you tick all these boxes, subscribe to the Concrete Playground newsletter, then email with your name and address. We'll notify the winner via email.