News Arts & Entertainment

Win Tickets to the First Ever ARTBAR at the MCA

Art, DJs, karaoke, and priceless views of Vivid's opening night - that's MCA's first ARTBAR for you.

Emma Joyce
May 21, 2012


The Museum of Contemporary Art's first ARTBAR - a night of drinks, DJs, performance art, karaoke and much more - kicks off at 7pm this Friday, May 25, and Concrete Playground has tickets to giveaway.

Tickling your late night gallery fancy, Friday's ARTBAR will include Sydney-based photographer and video artist Justene Williams, whose Crutch Dance television installation (pictured) is currently on display at the MCA.

Held on the same day at Vivid Sydney's opening night, guests of the first ARTBAR will have the double pleasure of experiencing the priceless views of Sydney Opera House ablaze with light projection from URBANSCREEN. Plus, music from DJs Charlie Chux (Abercrombie), Perfect Snatch (Gay Bash, Shameless), Touch Sensitive (Van She) and Tyson Koh (Loose Joints FBI & Clambake).

And if that wasn't enough, there will be karaoke 'with consequences' and hot shaves on the night. No ARTBAR event will be the same, so take a look at the event details on the MCA website.

Concrete Playground has tickets to giveaway for the first ever ARTBAR on Friday, May 25. To be in for a chance to win tickets, make sure you are subscribed to Concrete Playground then email your name and address to