News Culture

Amazing Stoner Food Dinner Comes to Queenie’s

Making an extravaganza of the munchies.

Shirin Borthwick
July 24, 2013


Ah, the munchies. When entire value packs of Chicken Crimpys spontaneously vanish, and McDonald's just doesn't seem sufficiently mass-produced. Well 50 bucks can buy you a whole new level of stoner stomach satisfaction this August, when the most excessive gustatory combos imaginable dare to show themselves at Queenie's.

Queenie's Up in Smoke will be a one-off stoner extravaganza where the entire concept of "three-course meal" is laughed at and spat upon. We're talking fourth and fifth courses of grease and fat, crunchy and smooth, sweet and sour united in unholy matrimony — including, for example, the 420 Sandwich with lobster, Pringles, Baconnaise, tomato and lettuce on a panfried brioche bun. Uh-huh.

You need more? How about Smoked, Baked & Fried, with turkey wings and maple syrup, jonkaroo and chilly fried peanuts? Or the Taco Bell Island Party, with pulled pork, pineapple, cheddar cheese nacho chips, Ras Lick sauce and a fried taco? Oh, you need these Pretzel S'mores, too? And the Beef Rib for 2 for 1? And the tablecloth? Here, take it, but don't eat my jacket. Okay, take that too. Stop eating me. I'm not amused.

Up in Smoke takes place on August 15. $50 a head — bookings essential. To reserve a spot email or call (02) 9212 3035.

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