News Culture

Join the Chocolate Wonderland at Baroque Bistro

We all have our weaknesses. And if there's one thing that could have me lying to friends and mortgaging a house, it would be chocolate.

Trish Roberts
September 25, 2011


We all have our weaknesses. And if there's one thing that could have me lying to friends and mortgaging a house, it would be chocolate.

For this reason, I absolutely must avoid visiting Baroque Bistro during October. Willie Harcourt-Cooze, AKA The Chocolate Man, will be collaborating with Baroque's Peter Robertson and Jean-Michel Raynaud on a whole month's worth of events.

First up, there's the 'Golden Ticket' Dinners, with a name which will have any reader of Roald Dahl instantly hooked. The full degustation menu will make the journey from savory to sweet, accompanied by a delicious selection of matching wines. A Chocolate Masterclass poses the danger of taking Willie's tempting knowledge home with you. And the limited edition bespoke Chocolate Macaron, created by pastry chef Jean-Michel, will be available from Baroque for all of October.

Check with Baroque for full details but consider yourself warned: if you click that link, you have no chance of resisting.

We're giving away a copy of Willie Harcourt-Cooze's latest book, Willie's Chocolate Bible. To win, simply make sure you're subscribed to Concrete Playground then email your name through to us at