News Culture

The Beer-Slash-Coffee Combo from Toby’s Estate and Young Henrys

Beer and coffee go together like, well, beer and coffee with OkTobyfest.

James Whitton
October 24, 2013


Some people drink coffee, and some people drink beer. Now, everybody can drink both with the release of OkTobyfest — coffee beer from Toby's Estate coffee and Young Henrys brewery.

The two Australian-born connoisseurs of our favourite beverages have combined to create a beer and a cider using cascara, the leftover husk from the cherry that yields the coffee bean. A traditional Bock is fermented with the cascara and finished with coffee, giving it a “malty sweetness, tangy acidity” and “depth and complexity,” says Young Henrys head brewer Richard Adamson. He says that the fermented apple juice in the cider is passed through the cascara, which creates “a cider like no other.”

The idea came about from the fact that workers on the Toby’s Estate farm in Panama use the cascara to make tea, which, according to Ryan Spinoglio of Toby’s Estate, creates a “sweet, cherry-like flavour with raisin and plum notes”.

Instead of discarding the wastage left over from the production of one of Australia’s most popular coffee beans, the two companies have combined to create a drink that appeals to a huge slab of the population. Feel like a coffee? Feel like a beer? Now you can have both. At the same time.

OkTobyfest will be sold at the Young Henrys Brewery in Newtown and limited other venues, so get in damn quick to sample this intriguing concoction of these two beautiful beverages.