News Culture

The Concrete Playground Hot List

The very best of what's happening this week in Sydney.

Anna Harrison
March 27, 2012


MCA Opening by Zacha Rosen. See the gallery here.

It’s back: the only reason non-tourists ever visit the rocks (besides a 2am pancake craving and home-brewed beer). The MCA, our resplendent harbour-side cultural gem (uh, the other one) reopens this weekend, showing off its shiny makeover with new exhibitions, talks and events to remind us why we love contemporary art, and especially why we love it in Sydney (the new upstairs café that offers sweeping views of the harbour for one).

But as delighted as we are to have our homecoming queen back on the scene, it doesn’t mean we should forget our humbler, less glamorous members of team contemporary art. Offering up some fierce rivalry to any grand opening of any grand establishment are some of our local favourites: Anna Schwartz with Shoot from the Hip, The Tate with Dancing Words, and Serial Space with a unique approach to the concept of a lecture. There’s also no shortage of filmtheatre and events that make you go hmmm, to add to your cultural calendar this week. But whatever you do, do it with the lights out. Earth hour is once again upon us, so this Saturday let’s aim for the kind of pitch black that would put a Stanley Kubrick film to shame.

MCA Opening Weekend

The details: Thursday, March 29 - Sunday, April 1 @ Museum of Contemporary Art

After an absence of more than a year, the Museum of Contemporary Art is rebuilt, refit and ready to bring you more art than ever before. Its innards have been expanded, a white, lego-like addition fused to its northern edge and a cafe upstairs now offers you a view with your mid-art breaks. For its Opening Weekend, the MCA lights itself up to take its first contingent of new guests, with talks, art and events to keep you busy for three full days of artistic exploration. Read more

La Traviata - Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour

The details: Saturday, March 24 - Sunday, April 15 @ Mrs. Macquaries Point

Probably the best outdoor event to ever be staged in Australia, this stunning spectacle floats in the harbour, while you sip champagne from Fleet Steps. Read more

Lauren Brincat: Shoot From the Hip

The details: Wednesday, March 28 - Saturday, April 21 @ Anna Schwartz Gallery

Moody video cycles and triangular sculpture feature in this solo show, Lauren Brincat's first at a private gallery. Read more

The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra

The details: Thursday, March 29 @ Oxford Art Factory

Featuring Bret McKenzie from Flight of the Conchords, here is something that could either be truly amazing or amazingly bad. Read more

Message Sticks 2012

The details: Tuesday, March 27 - Sunday, April 1 @ Sydney Opera House

See great Indigenous films for free, alongside a fiery array of music, talks, dance and art. Read more

Earth Hour 2012

The details: Saturday, March 31 @ Sydney City Streets and Parks

The Hour started in Sydney in 2007, and has become an international event in the years since. Get unplugged, as small acts lead to bigger things. Read more

Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes

The details: Saturday, March 31 - Sunday, June 3 @ Art Gallery of New South Wales

While we can always count on this annual crowd magnet to deliver awe-inspiring celebrations of Aussie celebrity, the Archibald Prize offers especially fascinating portraiture. Read more

The Hunger Games

The details: Thursday, March 22 - Wednesday, April 25 @ Various cinemas

An exhilarating debut from the bestselling series about teenagers engaged in a deadly bloodsport. Read more