
Win Tickets to See Jobs

Ashton Kutcher is Steve Jobs. Accept it already.

Dani McAllen
August 27, 2013


Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs. It can take you a while to get your head around it. But although it seemed unlikely, there's actually a decent physical resemblance, and word is Kutcher pulls it off.

Although it opens with Jobs showing off the iPod to his staff, the film Jobs soon reverts back to the early days of Apple, pre-black skivvies, though with Steve firmly in the lead. It documents the ups and downs of the '70s, '80s and '90s. Though his inventions are obsessively loved, Jobs is a character not without controversy, and the film will have you feeling sorry for him, then hating him, then loving him again and rooting for him, while at the same time shaking your head and saying to yourself 'Oh Steve'.

Jobs is worth a watch if you are a fan of Apple products, his company and what he created, or a fan of biography that isn't about putting its subject on a pedestal.

Jobs is in cinemas on August 29, and to celebrate we have 15 double in-season passes to give away. To be in the running, subscribe to the Concrete Playground newsletter (if you haven't already), then email with your name and address.