Win Tickets to See Return to Earth

An exploration of alienation that should strike a chord.

Rima Sabina Aouf
Published on August 22, 2013

Playwright Lally Katz has been adding grunt to whimsy for some dozen years and 20 full-length plays. Best known in Sydney for the moving play she purpose-built for Robyn Nevin, Neighbourhood Watch, as well as this year's energetic un-commission Stories I Want to Tell You in Person, her work is surreally plotted yet emotionally resonant — and always, always original.

This staging of Return to Earth, then — led by director Paige Rattray (of Sydney's own pedlars of the surreal ARTHUR) and showing as part of Griffin Independent — is set to be a true gem. It follows what happens when the missing Alice (played by The Sapphires' Shari Sebbens) returns to her family in small-town Tathra. With her lost years a mystery and Alice acting completely disconnected from reality and social convention, some embrace her with enthusiasm, while others are slower to accept.

It's an exploration of alienation that should strike a chord.

Return to Earth opens at the SBW Stables Theatre on September 4, with tickets available through the Griffin Theatre website. Thanks to Griffin, we also have five double to give away to the preview performances of Return to Earth on the night of your choice. To be in the running, subscribe to the Concrete Playground newsletter (if you haven't already), then email [email protected] with your name and address.

Published on August 22, 2013 by Rima Sabina Aouf
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