Win tickets to see Samsara

For all the occupants of this 'mudball spinning in space'.

Jimmy Dalton
Published on January 08, 2013

Samsara provides a great counterpoint to the usual summer blockbusters at cinemas. For those who are overfed on the sugar and fat of blockbusters, prepare to cleanse your mind and heart with another kind of richness.

This latest film by director Ron Fricke and producer Mark Magidson (previously partnered in 1992's Baraka) is a non-verbal meditation on our planet and the billions who share it with us, and while only 99 minutes long, Samsara stares you in the eye for longer than most find comfortable.

Casually moonlighting as the name of an exotic scent or clothing range, samsara is Sanskrit for "the ever-turning wheel of life", and it is this motif that led Fricke and Magidson through a five-year shoot in twenty-five countries on five continents. Samsara is the wheel of life, death and rebirth, but it is also the grinding wheels of commercial labour, of fickle trends, and of the literal vehicles that the production crew commandeered in their often gruelling efforts to obtain 70mm footage for a few seconds of screen time.

This herculean dedication to cinematography has certainly returned great wonders. Samsara flows from one luscious image to the next, carried by intuitive editing rather than plot, and is supported by an original score.

Concrete Playground has five in-season double passes to give away to Samsara. To be in the running, make sure you're subscribed to our newsletter and then email [email protected] with your name and address. You can read our full review of the film here.

Published on January 08, 2013 by Jimmy Dalton
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