News Culture

Bill Murray and Sofia Coppola Are Teaming Up For a Christmas Musical

Your Christmas lunch could soon be soundtracked by Bill Murray.

Meg Watson
October 15, 2014


Your Christmas lunch could soon be soundtracked by Bill Murray. Well, that's the best case scenario. Bill Murray has recently told Variety that he will be teaming up with Sofia Coppola for a festive TV special involving him singing a variety of Christmas carols. Obviously once that's out in the world, all other traditional tunes will be irrelevant and we'll all celebrate the season to his unashamed, slightly slurring version of 'Jingle Bells' and 'Silent Night'.

Though we don't have many details about the project as yet, both Murray and Coppola have confirmed that something is in the works. It's also safe to assume the work will be somewhat different to their last collaboration, Lost in Translation. "It's not going to be live," said Murray. "We're going to do it like a little movie. It won’t have a format, but it’s going to have music. It will have texture. It will have threads through it that are writing. There will be prose."

If that's not vague enough for your liking, he also added that it will have a "patina style and wit to it". "It will be nice," he said. "My motivation is to hear him singing my song requests," said Coppola.

Though Murray is well accustomed to being on television — not only was he on three seasons of SNL in the late '70s, he's been such a regular to Letterman over the years he now just wears elaborate costumes and shaves his beard on air for kicks — this will be Coppola's first foray away from the cinema. It's hard to see how her quiet and subtle filmmaking style will translate to the cheesy traditions of Christmas TV specials (despite how much "wit" Murray claims it will have). But, whatever the final result, we're looking forward to it immensely.

Now, because we'll basically take any excuse, here's a selection of Bill's best. 'Tis the season.

Via Variety.