Following its highly successful tour on the international film festival circuit, including swiping a Golden Lion in Venice, critically acclaimed Roma from Academy Award-winning director Alfonso Cuarón (Gravity, Children of Men) is hitting Australian shores this month. The film is set to have a limited run in selected Australian cinemas before its release on Netflix on Friday, December 14. The cinematic release of the stunning black and white film also marks the first Netflix-acquired production to be given the traditional release treatment.
The film focuses on the daily life of housemaid Cleo, who works for a wealthy family with four children in Mexico City. While portraying scenes of domestic life and social hierarchy, the film also conveys a striking look at the political unrest and violence in 1970s Mexico.
Given all of the rave reviews from critics and Oscar buzz surrounding Roma, it seems a waste to watch it on your TV or phone. Rather, the Ritz Cinema in Randwick, which boasts a 81-year history as an independent, art deco cinema, seems a more fitting setting. The Ritz will be hosting multiple screenings a day of Roma from Friday, December 7 to Wednesday, December 12, and, in more good news, we've secured five double passes.
For the chance to win, enter your details below. If you don't want to leave it to fate, you can book tickets to see the film at The Ritz via the website.