Mona Foma Will Return to Launceston and Hobart in January 2022
MONA's summer music and arts festival is coming back for another year — and it's keeping its dual-city format.
What's better than hosting a big arts festival in one location? Spreading the love across two different cities on consecutive weekends. That's the format that worked for Mona Foma, the Museum of Old and New Art's (MONA) key summer event, when it was last held in 2021 — so that's exactly what'll happen again in 2022.
Come January, arts and music fans will be able to soak in the fest's eclectic sights and sounds in two places: in Hobart and in Launceston. Although Mona Foma was originally held in Hobart, where MONA is located, the event made the move to Launceston in 2019. So there's plenty of reasons behind splitting its program between both Tasmanian cities.
Launceston will be up first, from Friday, January 21–Sunday, January 23, with Hobart getting the nod the next week from Friday, January 28–Sunday, January 30. Just what'll be on the bill hasn't been announced as yet, and won't be until Friday, December 3 — but you can start marking your calendars now anyway.
Tasmania is also reopening its borders to double-jabbed visitors from Wednesday, December 15, which is great news if you now know what you'd like to do — and which huge arts fest you'd like to hit up — this summer. The border reopening applies to double-vaxxed travellers from both interstate and overseas, too, which could have some influence on Mona Foma's lineup.

The Flaming Lips, Mona, Hobart, Mona Foma 2016. Photo Credit: MONA/Rémi Chauvin. Image Courtesy Mona, Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
"Delivering a festival in two cities in January 2021 felt like nothing less than a miracle," said Mona Foma curator Brian Ritchie. "Come January 2022 we'll do it again and promise another festive burst of euphoria and unforgettable moments."
In terms of what's in store, Ritchie advised that the MONA team "is working on strange new venues, indefatigable creativity, cultivation of powerful talent and the unpredictable."
Mona Foma will take place from January 21–23, 2022 in Launceston, and from January 28–39, 2022 in Hobart. We'll update you when the full program is announced on Friday, December 3 — but head to the festival website in the interim for further details.
Top image: Faux Mo, Mona Foma 2021. Mona/Remi Chauvin. Image courtesy of the artist and Mona, Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.