News Culture

Spend Your Lunch Break Clubbing

Lunch Beat events have inspired Stockholm to get up and dance during lunch hour.

Anya Krenicki
April 03, 2012


Why spend your treasured lunch hour sitting in the same old spot, eating the same old sandwich? Swedes have discovered the magic of  an off-beat lunch break by introducing a little mid-day clubbing.

Lunch Beat, a trendy, non-profit lunchtime event, originated in Stockholm in June 2010 with a measly crowd of 14. Today, the monthly Stockholm events attract hundreds and have inspired copycat events throughout other European cities. For 100 kroner (around $15), attendees can dance to club beats beneath the flashing disco lights, enjoy a sandwich, and then return to their various jobs sweaty and energised.

The party starts at noon, and lasts for an hour. "You just have to get in there and dance, because the hour ends pretty quickly," says organizer Daniel Odelstad. Lunch Beat only has two rules: no alcohol, and dance. "If you don't want to dance during your lunch hour, then you should eat your lunch somewhere else," says Odelstad.

Lunch Beat draws an eclectic crowd, from the young to the old, and from secretaries to business-suited bigwigs; all have come looking for a good time.

"It is absolutely fantastic!" says Asa Anderson, a coffee shop employee and Lunch Beat newcomer. "It is the first time I'm here. I'm totally happy and ecstatic, totally covered in sweat, and I'm full of energy. It does not get any better than this."

[via Gawker]