Stream Royksopp’s New Album ‘Senior’

Listen to Royksopp's new album before its official release.

Rich Fogarty
Published on September 07, 2010

Norwegian electronica pioneers Röyksopp have joined forces with Hype Machine and online audio distribution platform SoundCloud to pre-release their new instrumental album, 'Senior'.

Svein Berge and Torbjorn Brundtland recorded 'Senior' at the same time as 'Junior' (the album they released last year) and it finds Royksopp in fine form. More introspective and freeform than its poppier partner, the pair explain: "The two albums ('Junior' and 'Senior') have a kinship, in that they represent Röyksopp's two very different artistic expressions. 'Junior' - with emphasis on vocals, accessible melodies and harmonies, has the energy, the inquisitive temper and confident "hey-ho, let's go!"-attitude of youth, whereas 'Senior' is the introverted, dwelling and sometimes graceful counterpart - brimfull with dark secrets and distorted memories, insisting "I'm old, I've got experience...”.  Senior' is furthermore an album about age, horses and being subdued - with devils breathing down your neck."

Röyksopp release 'Senior' on Friday 10th September, but you can listen to it in its entirety right here.

Published on September 07, 2010 by Rich Fogarty
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