News Music

Young Henrys Brewery Is Hosting a Special Sydney Symphony Orchestra Gig

Classical music, meet beer. Beer, classical music.
Jasmine Crittenden
September 08, 2015


Members of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra will surround their instruments with vats, drums and miscellaneous brewing gear on Thursday, September 10, when Young Henrys turns into a classical stage for the night. The unconventional gig is the fourth instalment of Vanguard, a concert series that sees SSO musicians playing experimental, informal shows in unusual locations. So far, they've appeared at a carpark in Kings Cross, a warehouse in Chippendale and the Mortuary Railway Station.

“We got involved in Vanguard through a mutual friend,” said Oscar McMahon, co-founder of Young Henrys. “It’s a collective of musicians, who are trying to change the way that people see symphony music and extend it to people who wouldn’t necessarily buy a subscription and go to the Opera House. I love the idea of music being for everybody.”

Vanguard performers have the freedom to perform pieces of their choice — in the way that they choose to perform them. “So far, they’ve played avant garde pieces and New Orleans jazz, and there was even a rendition of ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ at one stage,” said McMahon. Audience members don’t know what’s in store until the show starts.

In Vanguard, Young Henrys has found a great match. “We’re interested in people who are genuinely interested,” he said. “All the people who make up Vanguard are great people. They’re passionate. They love what they do. They’re inspired it. Vanguard is extracurricular for the musicians — it’s their passion project; it’s them having fun. And Young Henrys is a business built on passion and fun, as well as a bit of doing what people don’t expect us to do.”

To attend Vanguard concerts, you need to become a member, which you can pay for monthly or annually. Vanguard is a philanthropic programme, with proceeds supporting the chair of Leah Lynn, Assistant Principal Cello in the SSO.

Vanguard is coming to Young Henrys on Thursday, September 10. More info over here.