News Art

We're Giving Away Double Passes to the MCA's Blockbuster 'Cornelia Parker' Exhibition

Catch one of Sydney's most talked about exhibitions this summer — for zero dollars.
Leisha Kapor
January 22, 2020


Want to examine the pieces of an exploded shed suspended in mid-air and walk through a blood-red, Twin Peaks-style room? If you haven't been to see the MCA's landmark Cornelia Parker retrospective yet, time is running out. Luckily, we're giving away ten double passes to the gallery's huge summer exhibition — Australia's first major presentation of the renowned British artist's work — before it closes on Sunday, February 16.

Cornelia Parker spans the artist's career, with works ranging from the late 80s to now. Highlights include Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View (1991), where Parker enlisted the help of the British Army to blow up a garden shed and created a huge, shadowy installation with the pieces; a 12-metre-long hand-stitched version of the Magna Carta Wikipedia page; and War Room (2015), which takes over an entire room with walls crafted from discarded strips of red paper sourced from a Remembrance Poppy factory in London.

All up, it includes four large-scale installations that transform entire spaces as well as smaller gems that are not to be missed — like the filings of a handgun and a guillotined Oliver Twist doll (sliced by the same blade as Marie Antoinette). The exhibition wraps up in just a few weeks, so if you haven't made tracks to the gallery yet make sure you do so before it closes. And why not do it for free?

To enter, see details below.

Win a Double Pass to the MCA's 'Cornelia Parker' Exhibition

Entries have now closed for this competition.

Images: Anna Kucera.