The Stoned Crow

Find themed trivia, live music and late-night cocktail specials at this local gem.
Dominic Gruenewald
Published on March 30, 2021
Updated on April 26, 2021


The Stoned Crow has been a fixture of Willoughby Road for many years and, as such, has undergone several transformations in its time. Situated in the middle of a bustling restaurant district, this local favourite offers a slick interpretation of the classic local watering hole.

The interior features long wooden tables and plenty of hanging plants in a dimly lit setting. Stop by for a beer — there's a great mix of entry-level craft brews, including jugs of Young Henrys for $20. The menu has staple pub feeds and includes $18 specials from Monday to Wednesday, including rump steak, schnitty and parmy respectively.

An impressive cocktail list of in-house specials and classics is also available, with a cocktail happy hour available from 9–11pm Friday and Saturday nights.

In the past there has been both live music and DJs and, COVID restrictions permitting, we will hopefully see them returning soon.


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