Finally, here's a place to direct your writing skills, firsthand research on Auckland small bar scene and excessive feelpinions on that latest play or movie. Concrete Playground is looking for interns. You'll be able to put your knowledge to use while learning the real ins and outs of producing arts, culture, food and lifestyle editorial in a fun and fast-paced online environment. Interns will work within our Britomart office one day per week for a set period of time. Working with the editorial team, you will be exposed to tasks such as writing, subediting, content production, photography and using social media. To apply for the role, you will need to demonstrate excellent writing skills as well as a love of and engagement with Auckland's cultural life. Expressions of interest should be addressed to Publisher Kyle Bell at Include a short bio, CV and 2-3 samples of your written work. Image from Girls. Does not resemble real life, where you won't be kept in limbo for two years but will probably go on to a life of freelancing for us and radness.