You may think you have a good handle on David Attenborough docos by now. He waltzes into an amazing natural landscape, dispels an extraordinary amount of knowledge on Everything in the Entire World, and promptly films something incredibly disgusting or depressingly ruthless. I think we're all still trying to forget that time he narrated hermaphroditic slug sex. Nevertheless, his latest venture is set to blow your mind all over again. Returning to Australia in November, this legendary, knighted filmmaker is filming his latest work in 3D at the Great Barrier Reef. Intended as a three-part series, Attenborough is excited about the possibilities of filming underwater in 3D. "People will think ‘for God’s sake not another program on the Barrier Reef. Haven’t we done enough?’ But underwater is a marvellous subject for 3D, I mean it really is absolutely breathtaking," he told The Herald Sun, sporting his trademark British charm. But honestly, we have no idea why Attenborough feels the need to convince us. While we've felt a little tired with the gimmick of 3D in recent years, this is the type of work the technology was made for. Attenborough won't be diving himself — give him a break, he's 88 years old — but he will be exploring the reef with the help of new underwater equipment that renders an incredibly high resolution. Though nothing has been released about the content of the series, Attenborough will more than likely be covering the political and environmental problems the reef has faced in recent times as well as its friendly fauna. It's a topic that has been in the news once again with #fightforthereef emerging on everyone's Twitter feeds earlier this year. Between global warming, the threat of coal ports in surrounding areas, and questionable preservation practices from the state and federal governments, the World Heritage listed site has faced a lot of problems in recent years. Documentary filming begins in November, but we won't know how far off the actual film is for months yet. Regardless, get ready to be transported directly to the heart of all your underwater Disney dreamlands. This is going to be well worth the IMAX money. Via The Herald Sun. Photo credits: ciamabue, stuandgravy, robdownunder, richard ling, richard ling via photopin cc.