Innovative performance trio post need a really, really big cast to pull off their latest show, Sydney Festival's upcoming extravaganza Oedipus Schmoedipus. How big? Try 700 people big. So they're inviting the public to join in their fun and become part of a new cast of volunteer performers every night. In addition to their 1/700th share of the limelight, participants will score a light meal and one complimentary ticket to the show. Post are keeping their lips tightly zipped about exactly what it is volunteers will be doing, but as the aim is to squeeze every memorable death scene from the most celebrated plays of all-time into one hilarious, crazy medley, it's probably a safe bet to assume it'll be something to do with dying — gloriously, gorily and dramatically. “We want you, your nan, your cousins and their cousin's work friends. Absolutely everyone. You don’t need any experience at all. In fact we’d rather prefer you didn't," reads their volunteer registration page. There's no need to memorise anything, and you'll rehearse with post on the day of the performance. People of every age, background and ethnicity are encouraged to apply. Coombs Marr won the 2011 Philip Parsons Playwright Award for her solo show And That Was the Summer That Changed My Life. Post are probably most known for their hilarious 2011 Sydney Theatre Company show Who's the Best. Oedipus Schmoedipus runs from January 9 to February 2 at Belvoir St Theatre Upstairs. If you're keen, then you need to sign up to volunteer. Rehearsal image by Brett Boardman.