• News

    Participate in a Global Art Project and Help Turn The World Inside Out

    Semi-anonymous street artist JR has won the 2011 TED Award and is appealing to you, the public, to help him turn the world inside out.

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    Corinne Vionnet’s Photo Opportunities Capture the Tourist Experience

    Thousand's of observations from the tourist paparazzi come together in single, haunting images.

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    Labyrinth in Berlin Club Confuses Your Senses

    Imagine being drunk, in a maze, in the dark depths of an abandoned East Berlin club.

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    Artsicle: An Original Artwork Rental Scheme

    A new scheme running in New York let's you road test your art before you make a lifetime's commitment to it.

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    The Strokes’ New Album ‘Angles’ Leaked by iTunes UK

    Check out the 30 second clips of new Strokes' songs 'accidentally' uploaded by iTunes, conveniently compiled into one video.

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    Japanese Illustrator Exposes the Composition of Mammals

    When you peel back the skin of any animal you find a world or spiderweb nerves and strangely fragile skeletons.

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    New Book Puts Palestinian Street Art Against The Wall

    New photographs from the Palestinian territories highlight the suffering, the lives torn apart by relentless fighting, and appeal to a hope for a brighter day.

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    Daft Punk and Coke to Release Shiny Limited Edition Bottles

    New Coke bottles inspired by Daft Punk's robot helmets will undoubtedly become the source of many a French hipster's pick-up line.

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    Win a Double Pass to a Preview Screening of Catfish

    We have 30 double passes to Catfish, which touts itself as one of a wave of films trying to keep up with the kids by focusing on Facebook.

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    Latest Issue of McSweeney’s Comes in A Man’s Head

    The quarterly review which brings American literature to the masses is brought to you in a box, as a pile of mail, in Icelandic, and a balding man's head.

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    Tron: Legacy Inspires Icehotel Art Suite

    British designers/sci-fi fans redesign Sweden's icehotel, Tron: Legacy style.

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    Feast Your Eyes: Ryan Matthew Smith’s Food Photography

    High tech photography to match high tech cuisine.

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    I Hope This Gets to You: A Viral Love Letter

    Filmmaker Walter C. May sends a love letter to his girlfriend through the power of the viral internet.

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    World’s Smallest Postal Services

    Things are always better in miniature. Including the postal service.

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