Design & Style

Scrabble Revived with Designer Fonts

Now not only is Scrabble a delightful game for grammar pedants but for typography fetishists as well.
By Amelia Walkley
March 02, 2011

Sick of playing Scrabble in generic sans serif? Lovers of words and type alike can spell their way to satisfying word play with these designer Scrabble sets by Andrew Capener. Capener wanted to "excite people about typography by giving them the ability to choose what font their scrabble set would come in." Beauty and quality are Capener's design priorities, with solid walnut and birch woods used to create the board, pieces and box.

The A-1 Scrabble designer sets come in a single font of choice, or you can always mix and match with the assorted font pack.

[Via Flavorwire]