AFTRS Open Day

Learn how you can launch and progress your film, TV or radio career.
Eden Marcus
Published on August 01, 2017

In partnership with


If you have your sights set on one day seeing your films on the big screen at Sydney's Film Festival, or on becoming the next big Aussie radio personality, then you need to get yourself down to AFTRS on Saturday, August 12 for the school's Open Day.

During this free event you'll learn about AFTRS 2018 courses, network with industry leaders and imagine yourself in any of their premiere classes ranging from topics like screenwriting, creative producing and cinematography. You'll also get the opportunity to scope out their top-of-the-line studios that could one day help you produce some epic work. Degrees on offer at AFTRS include part-time diplomas in reality TV, animation and feature film, a full-time Bachelor of Arts Screen and postgraduate programs for screen and radio.

Go for gold, make your dreams a reality, the world is your oyster — Open Day is just a sneak peek of what could be. And don't fret if you can't make it; AFTRS will be live streaming the whole day on their website and Facebook page.

AFTRS is open from 10am – 3pm on August 12. Pre-register here.

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