
The all-girl trio bring their complex harmonies, body percussion and interpretative dance to Sydney.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on April 08, 2013


Aluka describe themselves as a “Melbourne-based band of ladies who enjoy making music, knitting and interpretative dance". Their musical collaboration was borne out of a tight friendship. Discovering a shared passion for hanging out together and singing, but less of one for learning instruments, they decided to go a cappella.

Five years later, Aluka have performed and recorded with the likes of Missy Higgins, Lisa Mitchell and Clare Bowditch and have made an appearance at the Sydney Opera House. Now they're on their way to Sydney to launch debut LP Space.

Involving tricky shifts in timing, unexpected spurts of body percussion, and complex harmonies, Aluka's songs challenge the conventional a cappella mould. In making their CD, the girls travelled all around Victoria, searching for sonically satisfying recording spots. A chook shed, a swimming pool, a bunker from the Second World War, several bathrooms and a particularly resonant stairwell all played host to the experimental trio.

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