Arts & Entertainment

Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer’s Life, 1990 – 2005

Annie Leibovitz's photographs are dreams upon dreams. Sinking. Beautiful. All that is sumptuous and glossy and far, far away.
By Rachel Fuller
October 31, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010 - Sunday, March 27, 2011

Friday, November 19, 2010 - Sunday, March 27, 2011

Iconic? To say the least.


Yes and yes. Summer is coming boys and girls and what better way to while away those melting January days than by swinging open those glass doors to the MCA and sneaking in for some AC comfort and a little celebrity self-indulgence. Annie Leibovitz's photographs are dreams upon dreams. Sinking. Beautiful. All that is sumptuous and glossy and far, far away.

Not just a survey of Annie's infamous celebrity pics, this globe-trotting touring exhibition, Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer's Life, 1990–2005, serves us with lashings of the artist's private life on the side. Facebook not voyeuristic enough for you? We've got your poison. Personal photographs of Leibovitz's sprawling tribe of family and friends as well as chronicles of major family peaks and troughs like the birth of her three daughters and the deaths of her father and longtime lover, Susan Sontag.

Its vanity fare, baby. And we are lapping at the bowl.

*Free entry for members and children under 12

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