Becky Sharp’s Vanity Fair Vintage Markets

Lovely things can be even lovelier when someone else paid full price for them, another someone else restored them and brought them together for sale and yet another someone else wants them but isn't as quick as you. At these vintage markets you'll find authentic period garments as well as amazing designer pieces in near-perfect condition.
Bethany Small
Published on June 06, 2010


Becky Sharp is pretty, clever at living luxuriously above her means and ruthless; thus, basically a perfect personification of vintage shopping. Lovely things can be even lovelier when someone else paid full price for them, another someone else restored them and brought them together for sale and yet another someone else wants them but isn't as quick as you. And if the key to getting away with murder (which Thackeray's heroine basically does) is having enough style to pull it off, well, you'll need a good wardrobe.

At these vintage markets you'll find authentic period garments as well as hats, gloves and sunglasses enough to look mysterious or witty forever. Also featured are buttons and bows for the restorer and adorner and boudoir pieces to indulge one's ladylike impulses toward self-regard. Stocks are replenished each month by the regular storeholders. Just remember that while you can absolutely get amazing designer pieces in near-perfect condition, sometimes vintage is cheaper for a reason, and what looks hilarious tried on amongst a mix-up of styles can just be awkward on the street. Make sure they work for you would be Becky's advice were she to care about the welfare of others, and it's mine as your faux-didactic narrator.

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