Bright Club

If you think that TED is thought provoking and intellectual yet on the whole not funny enough, Sydney Festival has taken it upon itself to broaden the appeal.
Zacha Rosen
Published on January 10, 2012


If you think that TED is thought provoking and intellectual yet on the whole not funny enough, Sydney Festival has taken it upon itself to broaden the appeal. Mixing comedy with academic explanation might seem like an idea best approached with some soothing booze, but the inaugural round of Bright Club has that angle covered too. Not unlike Cafe Scientifique, it mixes a good idea and a good drink while eager academics bring their ideas to the stage in eight minutes of entertainment and comedy.

The Festival’s Club is divided into three consecutive themed late Wednesday nights from 11.30pm. The first focusing on Testosterone, the second Sex and a third escaping the human body into Earth, Sea and Sky. Joining Sydney University thinkers and researchers in the woody confines of the Famous Spegieltent will be more orthodox comedians, performers and host James O'Loghlin — whose twin holds on science and comedy should be enough to keep the pace from dragging.  If you like your ideas entertaining, challenging and short, Bright Club's intellectual pugilism is probably just the British import you were waiting for.

Image by Joi Ito.


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