Arts & Entertainment

BYOB Sydney

Bring Your Own Beamer lands in Sydney.
By Lena Peacock
December 16, 2013

Fri, Dec 20, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013


BYOB. Nope, it's not Bring Your Own Booze. It's Bring Your Own Beamer. That's beam of light, not the flashy car that bankers like.

German artist Raphael Rozendaal started these one-night-only exhibitions across the globe, and it's all about beaming images from screens. Portable projection. Computers. Moving images. And all just for one night.

This is the first time the beamers have come across to Sydney, and this one, curated by Susan Bui, promises to be an explosion of colour, sound, chaos and energy. The artists will transform Archive Space's walls, ceiling and floors with art installations that project light and sounds from all angles.

And the artists? David Manley, Lisa Sammut, David Greenhalgh, Liam Ambrose, William Bennett, Katrina Stamatopoulos, James Nguyen, Ari Zainal, Optic Soup, Bryden Williams, Daniel Connell Eric Davidson and Haidee Ireland as well as Bui are all flashing a little of what they've got.

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