Celestial Radio

A mirrorball boat broadcasts Sydney soundscapes from out on the harbour.
Zacha Rosen
Published on March 26, 2012


Have you ever felt the urge to cover a yacht in mirror tiles? Artists Zoe Walker and Neil Bromwich did, and the result was the boat Celeste. The pair have sailed this mirror-ball vessel along the British coast, collecting and transmitting local sounds along the way from the boat itself. The boat for the Sydney incarnation of Celestial Radio is newly made — Celestra is doing the sailing duties — but its sister vessel's modus operandi remains intact. Taking inspiration from pirate radio of the 60s, the artistic pair have put music from Sydney musician James Brown together with Sydney sounds and words into an hour's loop of radio, broadcast from the yacht 24 hours on 95.9FM. During the day the yacht will flit between bridge and Opera House, occasionally brushing up to the MCA itself to schedule, reflecting Sydney back to itself in borrowed light and sound.

Visitors without radios can borrow FM headsets from the Celestial Radio booth outside the MCA. A film on the adventures of the Celeste off the Isle of Skye will be screened at the MCA the night of March 29.


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