Event Chippendale

Code in the Park

Learn the basics of coding with the legends from General Assembly — for free.
Jasmine Crittenden
June 07, 2016

In partnership with


Coding...it sounds scarier than learning hieroglyphics, right? And even though you know it would be a sweet addition to your skill-set, you can't quite commit to a coding class. After all, why would you sit yourself at a keyboard, deciphering the difference between Java and Type Script, when you could be painting, strumming your guitar or watching this week's episode of Game of Thrones for the fourth time?

Well, the thing is, if you want to take your creative exploits anywhere, a little bit of code goes a long way — whether you're looking to transform your website into a traffic magnet or design a world-conquering app. And that's why General Assembly and Yahoo7 are getting together to teach you a thing or two in what sounds like the funnest coding class ever. As part of Vivid Ideas, they're holding a gloriously free cracking day of talks, workshops, interactive demos and installations called Code in the Park at aMBUSH in Central Park on the afternoon of Saturday, June 18.

Running the show will be a ten-strong team of code pros. You'll be hanging out with none other than General Assembly lead instructor and web developer extraordinaire Joel Turnbull, digital artist Lukasz Karluk, Yahoo7's tech director Paul Russell, Girl Geek Academy co-founder Sarah Moran, and artist and all-round computer whiz Andrew Sorensen, among others. Between them, these guys could re-write software history — so you'll be in good hands.




Sat, Jun 18, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016



aMBUSH Project Space
Level 3, Central Park, 28 Broadway


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