Conscious Consumer: Food and Fashion Workshop

Keen to know how to do your bit and help the Earth?
Kimberley Mai
Published on June 12, 2015


There are many ways for you to help take the burden off Mother Earth. A few ways always spring to mind: recycling, being water conscious, and cutting food waste. How about buying ethical food and clothes? Yep, things like those chocolates with the Fair Trade stickers and organic sneakers that cost a little bit more. It might be a little confusing trying to figure out which brands to buy but this 'Conscious Consumer: Food and Fashion' workshop can help you.

Guest speakers Lisa Heinze (Sustainability with Style) and Jaimee Edwards (Cornersmith Cafe) will walk you through how to be an ethical consumer. When you leave the workshop, you'll have a better idea of which brands and products to support, and what to look for when making purchasing decisions with your all-powerful consumer dollar.

Image: well this is really pointless via photopin (license)

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