CounterMove - Sydney Dance Company

A powerhouse double-bill from Alexander Ekman and Rafael Bonachela.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on February 22, 2016


Sydney Dance Company kicks off 2016 with CounterMove, a cracking new show. It’s a double-bill, presenting work from two of the world’s most fearlessly creative choreographers: Alexander Ekman, who hails from Sweden, and Rafael Bonachela, SDC’s artistic director.

In just ten years, Ekman has become incredibly sought-after. He’s now received commissions from more than 45 dance companies, including Nederlands Dans Theater, Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet and Atlanta Ballet. CounterMove will present his 2010 work, Cacti, an affectionate parody of contemporary dance, which begins with sixteen dancers trapped on huge Scrabble tiles.

Providing a striking contrast to this will be Bonachela’s Lux Tenebris, making its world premiere. Choreographed in response to a commissioned soundscape by Nick Wales, the work explores the highs and lows — and light and shades — of human experience.

Opening on February 26 at Walsh Bay’s Roslyn Packer Theatre, CounterMove combines dance with movement, philosophy and comedy.

From Sydney, the show will move to Canberra Theatre Centre, where it’ll open on May 19 and then to Melbourne’s Southbank Theatre, from May 25. Later in the year, it’s making tracks to the outback, with regional showings across New South Wales, Queensland, Darwin and Western Australia between June 17 and August 27.


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