Event Sydney

Dave Gorman’s PowerPoint Presentation

Comic "true stories" abetted by the devil's presentation tool.
Zacha Rosen
September 23, 2012


Does the bulk of comedy lie in the gutter? Comics guru Scott McCloud thinks the magic of comics sits in the gutter-like spaces between panels. With the brain bridging the gap between the before and the after, ideas are spliced together into a single thing that lives and writhes, shocks and excites.

Comic Dave Gorman taps into a similar mechanism to make you laugh, with Microsoft's best/worst information tool in Dave Gorman's PowerPoint Presentation, on as part of Just for Laughs 2012. In Gorman's hands, PowerPoint (the devil's presentation software once identified by the US Army as a great way of putting journalists to sleep — they call it 'hypnotising chickens') becomes a way of taking complex things and making them funny.

Not unlike current fan favourites This American Life, Gorman describes his style as a 'true story show', proving that the star moments of his comic narratives actually took place. But, believe it or not, this should be an evening of comedy with more than you can cram into a few bullet points of dependent clauses.



Sun, Oct 21, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012



Opera Theatre, Sydney Opera House
Bennelong Point


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