Dear Pluto Autumn Pop-Up Market

Pick up a little something local, from knitted necklaces to serious bling.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on March 29, 2016


On the first weekend of April, all things homemade and local will descend upon Redfern's 107 Projects for the autumn instalment of Dear Pluto's Pop-Up Market. Scrape together as many spare pennies as you can find because you're going to have trouble choosing what to buy, from prints, cards and homewares to clothing, jewellery and skin care.

More specifically, you'll be able to get your mitts on knitted necklaces by Above the Canopy, candles and bath salts by Fragrant Flame, bling by Haus of Dizzy, jewellery by Irninology, confectionery by Kyandi, nail strips by Personail, illustrations by Millie Hall and stacks more.

On Saturday, your browsing will be soundtracked by DJ sets from Adi Toohey, Anno, Mira Boru and Mr. Friendly. And on Sunday, you'll be invited to take a break at a floristry workshop with inner west florists Sweet Pea and Honey Bee.

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