
The SF noise group can turn nearly any calamity into a party - even a break-up.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on February 25, 2013


Deerhoof's members are evidence that it pays to take risks. In a post-modern world, where it can sometimes feel as though everything that can be said has been said, they continue to come up with arrestingly original ideas. Every album reveals another sonic surprise.

Their twelfth self-produced release, Breakup Song, is no exception. This time around, Cuban rhythms fuel the San Francisco noise group's unpredictable melodic adventures. According to drummer Greg Saunier, the album is about "just turning around a sort of bad mood and finding a way to turn it into a good mood."

As much as a Deerhoof record can definitely beat back the blues in the comfort of your lounge room, it doesn't match up to the experience of seeing them live. Their edgy creativity takes on a whole new dimension in front of a crowd.

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