Event Sydney

Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2012

The Delusion of Free Will, We Are All Sexual Perverts, and Genital Cutting is Normal take conversation out of the comfort zone.
Greta Mayr
July 26, 2012


What do you get if you combine some of the world's most influential and controversial speakers, philosophers, journalists, authors and more, sparking debate and raising critical issues from Australia and around the world? Well, more than just polite chatter that's for sure. And the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, held at the Sydney Opera House in late September, delivers on that promise.

This year marks the fourth anniversary of the festival, and with a host of over 40 modern-day thinkers and intellectual icons, 2012 is set to be more thought-provoking and inspiring than ever.

One of the highlights of the festival is the fiery feminist icon Germaine Greer. She will be tackling the topic of genital cutting with medical researcher Brian Morris and in collaboration with author and model Tara Moss and feminist activist Eva Cox discussing whether 'All Women Hate Each Other'.

Other highlights include neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris opening the festival with his postulation on 'The Delusion of Free Will', a suite of authors and experts panelling a debate on China-US relations, and American journalist Tim Harford enlightening us on why we need to 'Make More Mistakes'.

A huge array of other contentious issues will be raised and delved into, ranging from Africa to playing God to sexual behaviour. So if you want to have your say or see what the experts have to say, book soon to avoid missing out. Tickets go on sale on Monday, July 30.



Friday, September 28, 2012 - Sunday, September 30, 2012

Friday, September 28 - Sunday, September 30, 2012


Sydney Opera House
Bennelong point


$25-45 (multipack discount available)
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