Arts & Entertainment

Fun Foam Fantastical-Fabulous Fun!

700kg of foam, intergalactic travel and an examination into tripping. Just another month at firstdraft.
By Annie Murney
November 03, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015 - Friday, November 20, 2015

Wednesday, November 4 - Friday, November 20, 2015


13-17 Riley Street, Woolloomooloo

Foam ain’t just for music festivals and kids' parties. Artist Rosie Deacon will be staging a celebration of this wondrously fluffy substance at firstdraft this month. Her installation, featuring 700 kilograms of “Fun Foam”, will be a spectacle to behold.

Deacon works with craft materials that are often derided and unappreciated within the world of contemporary art. She constructs fantastical sculptures, performances and installations from discount store goodies: synthetic eyelashes, glittery stickers, acrylic paint and clay.

In addition to this exhibition, you can see Elena Papanikolakis’s visual exploration into “tripping” as woven together through memory and imagination and As If Light Could Be Translated from collective Art Proper, which will be an astrological investigation into constellations, space and the science of stars.

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