Grayson Perry: How to Be an Artist Just Like Me

Up-close and personal with Grayson.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on December 07, 2015


As you must know by now, you'll be sending at least one part of your summer with Grayson Perry's work at the Museum of Contemporary Art. And if you want to learn more about the cross-dressing icon, former YBA and Turner Prize winner, turn up to the Sydney Opera House on Sunday, December 13, where he'll be spilling the beans in a talk titled 'How to be an artist just like me'.

Part of the Opera House's Ideas at the House program, the chat will focus on what it takes to make it in the art world. You can expect to hear about Perry's quest to draw attention to contemporary art and his struggles with self-belief, identity, power and recognition. Along the way, broader cultural and social issues, like sex, class and religion, will be canvassed. And you can bet your bottom dollar there'll be witty asides aplenty.


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