Hard Sleeper

The artistic products of a one-month residency at China's Red Gate Gallery and a very uncomfortable bed go on show at the Damien Minton Gallery.
Lucinda Hearn
Published on February 07, 2011


Go to the Republic of China. Take a train across it. Take the cheap skate's option: an enticing ticket known as the 'hard sleeper'.  It's not actually difficult to sleep on such a ticket, nor is it 'unsoft', just lacking in amenity by comparison to the more expensive 'soft sleeper'. After the trip, and taking in many of the country's more unusual towns and provinces, complete a one-month residency at Red Gate Gallery.

This is what the artists involved in Hard Sleeper did to arrive at their destination exhibition. For two months in 2010, Peter Gardiner, China De La Vega, Frances Belle Parker, Phil James and Guy Maestri traveled through China by train as part of Imagine Australia. The work resulting from that trip will be exhibited at the Damien Minton Gallery from the middle of this month.

Also on show will be photographs taken in China by project coordinator Catherine Croll. Those attending the opening on February 15th will also be privy to an address from art critic and writer John McDonald, who traveled with the artists in China.


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