What has happened to the well-tailored fabric of intelligent society? These days the kids are downloading outrage and pornography, clicktivising their weather forecasts and swiping right to determine their political stance on The Issues. What we need is a good smack in the news feed, boot out the trolls and fetid comment swill of the bottom half of the internet, and return to the hard-facts, balanced thoughts and completely unbiased agendas of mass media.
The above may not be quite what the St James Ethic Centre has in mind for its upcoming IQ2 debate, but as the viability of large media corporations stacks up against the growth of lean online operations, it's definitely time for a robust head-clash on the subject.
Arguing in favour of the proposition are editor-in-chief of Private Media Sophie Black, Sound Alliance content director Tim Duggan and citizen journalist Margo Kingston. For the negative are former Media Watch presenter Jonathan Holmes, investigative journalist Kate McClymont and Daily Telegraph columnist Sarrah Le Marquand. There's even an opportunity for the audience to weigh in on the debate, so get ready to be “taken as a comment” in the best possible way.
Tue, May 12, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
City Recital Hall2 Angel Place