Joanne Saad: I Want to Know What Love Is

See big love on screen, unadulterated.
Zacha Rosen
Published on March 20, 2012


Love is strange. What moves one person to singing questionable verse leaves another unmoved with a dry taste on the lip. While the most beautiful people are usually whoever you love, the person sending out the affection can be equally astonishing to watch as love transforms them inside and out. Taking this approach to matters of the heart, artist Joanne Saad has collected everyday people from across western Sydney, across languages and across culture. Caught on camera they sing into a microphone about love, explaining themselves in her new show, I Want to Know What Love Is.

No stranger to finding moving stories in the world of the everyday, Saad has explained the cramped history of newly-arrived migrant families living in the garages of fifties Wollongong and the same city's love affair with the car. Joanne's subjects have an energy inside, which she finds hidden and makes visible. Love from the old, the young, the stylish and from beautiful dorks: if this appeals as a subject of artistic survey, take a train down to the Powerhouse (next to Casula Station) and firm up your ideas of amore.

I Want to Know What Love Is launches at 7pm on March 29. RSVP for the launch to 9824 1121 or email [email protected] Image by Bonnie Eliot.


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