Late Night Library

Since April this year, Surry Hills Library has played host to a series of after-hours talks, workshops and film screenings, a fair number of them on the naughty side.
Lucinda Hearn
Published on June 10, 2011


When I was young, and my parents would visit Myer to buy, like, an iron, or a food processor to aid the making of vegan hedgehog slice (true story), I used to head straight to the toy department and wonder what would happen if I got locked in there overnight. I was pretty sure it would be terrifying, but as a reward for my bravery I would get to keep all the toys I opened.

Late Night Library is the slightly more grown up Lucinda’s version of that dream. Since April this year, Surry Hills Library has played host to a series of after-hours talks, workshops and film screenings, a fair number of them on the naughty side. This Thursday, that repertoire will be expanded as singer/songwriters take the LNL stage.  Performers include Jai Payne (The Paper Scissors), Camilla Hill and Cody Dillon in what has been termed (by whom no-one knows) ‘a 4 headed 8 armed singing-songwriting chimera of death’. I guess my younger self was right about this kind of thing being terrifying.

Entry is free, but it’s recommended you book ahead by calling the library: 02 8374 6230


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