If you haven't had the opportunity to see one of Lisa Reihana's innovative multimedia works, now's your chance. The renowned Aotearoa New Zealand artist's first Australian survey show features a collection of photographic and video works, including the much-talked-about In Pursuit of Venus [infected]. This massive panoramic video installation is a modern reimagining of the famous colonial nineteenth century wallpaper Les Sauvages de la Mer Pacifique. Spanning a width of 26 metres, the live action video uses cutting-edge digital technologies to animate and reinterpret the wallpaper, interrogating the complexities of colonisation, and historical and contemporary stereotypes.
Image: Michael Hall
Thu, Jan 12, 2017 - Wed, Mar 29, 2017
Thu, Jan 12 - Wed, Mar 29, 2017
1 Art Gallery Road
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