Lost On Tour

As a party host I’m all about grand gestures, the more fantastical the better. For my 26th birthday, my flatmates and I plastered our entire living area in astroturf, fairy lights and sunflowers. The theme was “cosmic garden party”, and all the guests thought we were crrraaaazzzzzyy. Our “insanity” pales in comparison to the epic adventuretour themed-parties thrown […]
Lucinda Hearn
Published on May 20, 2010


As a party host I'm all about grand gestures, the more fantastical the better. For my 26th birthday, my flatmates and I plastered our entire living area in astroturf, fairy lights and sunflowers. The theme was "cosmic garden party", and all the guests thought we were crrraaaazzzzzyy.

Our "insanity" pales in comparison to the epic adventuretour themed-parties thrown by Sydney's Lost Boys. Their parties are all about excess. Excess and mystery. Last winter, Lost Boys took 600 folks to the Blue Mountains on a Trans-Siberian Express to dance it up in the mist. The best part? Revellers had no idea where they were going until they arrived.

The latest Lost Boys project is called Lost On Tour. Once again, the final party destination is well-guarded secret. What we do know is this: the party is a celebration of the hedonism of big name bands on tour (think: leather, ripped jeans, blissed-out groupies, hard-knuckled roadies). Real life DJs HOOPS, Johnny Pow!!, Dangerous Dan, Jimmy 2Sox, Simo, Jason Barry and the Piracy DJs will provide entertainment before the main act, an electro/rock three-piece whose household name must be kept secret at this stage.

The first round of tickets for Lost On Tour sold out in less than two hours. Second round tickets go on sale this Friday, and we recommend getting in early. For more information visit the Lost Boys' website.

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