In this powerful, one-woman show, Sandy Greenwood brings together the stories of four generations of Gumbaynggirr women from the 1940s to today. Through spoken word, dance, music and multimedia, Greenwood delves into cultural identities and everything that shapes them, from the intergenerational trauma caused by the Stolen Generations to the influences of her relatives.
Matriarch is about "honouring my matriarchs; the strong and graceful women of my direct lineage; I am my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother" Greenwood told SBS. The show is a celebration of the women's creativity and traditions, as well as an exploration of the impact of violence.
Having appeared at Melbourne Fringe Festival 2018 to rave reviews, Matriarch will make its Sydney debut at Sydney Fringe Festival 2019.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019 - Saturday, September 7, 2019
Tuesday, September 3 - Saturday, September 7, 2019
Old 505 Theatre342 Elizabeth Street
Surry Hills