Event Sydney

Pixar: Behind the Scenes

Meet the ever-inspired creative engine that is probably the most influential force in animation today.
Rima Sabina Aouf
November 05, 2012


You know how every time you sit down to see a new Pixar movie, you think, this can't possibly be better than the last Pixar movie? And then, it turns out it is better than the last Pixar movie? (Cars being the exception that proves the rule.)

It's hard to think of many other creative producers out there who are so constantly outdoing themselves. This innovative and ever-inspired engine is probably the most influential force in animation today, having made Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, Brave, and a raft of other hits that make kids squeal and adults unexpectedly laugh, cry, and find catharsis.

Lee Unkrich, Academy Award-winning director of Toy Story 3 and long-time Pixar executive, will be leading a presentation on what goes on behind the scenes of the company as an idea goes from storyboard to screen. Its part of Graphic, the festival of animation, comics, music, and gaming that brings pop culture to the lofty sails of the Opera House.



Sat, Nov 10, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012



Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House
Bennelong Point


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