Robert Baines: Metal

Artist, goldsmith, scholar, gentleman, and now Living Treasure. This extraordinarily gifted and prolific jeweller works his magic using precious metals and wire to construct his beautiful and complex pieces.
Monica Ward
Published on October 18, 2010


Professor Robert Baines: artist, goldsmith, scholar, gentleman, and now Living Treasure. As one of Australia's most internationally acclaimed and exhibited jewelers, Baines' work is being honoured as part of the Living Treasures: Master of Australian Craft series at Object Gallery.

Baines is a professor of Gold and Silversmithing at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and his accolades include the prestigious International Friedrich Becker Prize for jewellery. The works of this extraordinarily gifted and prolific artist are held in a number of the world's most prestigious galleries including the Victoria and Albert Museum (London), Ville de Cagnes-sur-Mer (France), the Museum of Fine Arts (Houston, USA) and the National Gallery of Australia.

As the title suggests, Baines works his magic using precious metals and wire to construct his beautiful and complex pieces. Object Gallery has released a stunning 120-page monograph of Baines' work, which is available to purchase at the gallery or in bookstores. Baines will present a floor talk at 11am on 23rd October and will be available for Q&A time afterwards, along with co-author of the monograph Ruediger Joppien.


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