Scott Dooley and Friends

Dools is calling upon friends like Tom Ballard, Geneiveve Fricker and Matt Okine for four weeks of solid lols.
Katie Davern
Published on November 18, 2014


Variety shows are back and doesn't comedian and radio presenter Scott 'Dools' Dooley know it. After selling out shows at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and taking off overseas, the funny man is leaving NYC and crashing Giant Dwarf with all of his talented friends.

Over four Wednesdays (he obviously has a lot of friends), Dools will curate a selection of stand up, musical comedy, sketches and other fun bits featuring the likes of Tom Ballard, Genevieve Fricker, Matt Okine, Dools' secret best friend and loads more. He's also dipping into his musical friends' talents by calling upon The Delta Riggs, One Day, Wil Wagner from The Smith Street Band and Nina Las Vegas to provide the live tunes.

Each night will be led by a makeshift news desk run by The Roast's Alex Lee and Ben Jenkins from The Checkout. For $25-30 a ticket or $90 for entry to all four shows, audiences can also enjoy DJ Joyride on the decks and live Tinder romance updates courtesy of Angus Truskett from Green Light Boys (which will hopefully resemble something like this).

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