Artbank understand us so well that they've packaged up their latest exhibition in one thing always guaranteed to turn our heads: sex. Conjuring up the perforated pages of a naughty mag, this bastion of Australian contemporary art is giving us the Sealed Section exhibition — a chance to ogle at the juiciest bits of our recent art history as it has wrestled with those most indecent of subjects: sex, politics and religion. Included are works by ?Brook Andrew, Penny Byrne, ?Abdul Abdullah, ?Sarah Contos and ?Richard Larter.
Established by the Fraser Government, Artbank is government-funded and dedicated to keeping Australian contemporary art thriving. Collecting and curating more than 10,000 works of Indigenous and non-Indigenous works over the years, it sustains itself by leasing out these works to government and corporate institutions or even members of the public to hang in their homes (should that kind of thing be in your budget).
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 - Saturday, February 7, 2015
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 - Saturday, February 7, 2015
Artbank, WaterlooUnit 1, 198-222 Young Street